台湾AVC全冠公司自 1973 年即便从事于配线产品之生产销售服务,于电工配线器材领域中,已累积有相当之市场经验及专业技术;近年来更为市场需要,成功自行研发具造型优美、抗强拉力、防水、防尘等优点之电线电缆固定头(SUPER GALNDS)系列产品,提供市场消费者应用,深获业者口碑;所以生产系列之种类与规格数量之繁多,以固定头研发、制造、销售之实力,堪为国内同业中之翘楚。
台湾AVC全冠公司历经近四十年来持续稳定的成长,得归于各行业之客户爱护支持 ,今后全冠公司全体员工将以"专业、品质、服务"之信念,及秉持一贯企业的经营理念"效率、责任、永续",于即将到来临的 21世纪挑战中,将更加诚恳的为每位客户,提供最完善的服务作业。
AVC was established in 1973 to start the manufaction of wiring accessories such as cable ties and wiring ducts etc. Her high quality products and good services have gained her well reputation among her customers worldwide.
In recent years, AVC was more concentrated in the field of cable glands. AVC has the most comprehensive product ranges and the highest quality level among her competitors in Asian territories, which earned her the second to none position in this field. Her outstanding design can withstand severe requirement of water proof (IP68 guaranteed full range) and high clamping strength
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